
Alberto Tomer

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Anna Maria Toni

Assistant professor

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Silvia Tordini Cagli

Associate Professor

keywords: disastri, incolumità pubblica, harm's principle, rischio lavorativo
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Claudia Tubertini

Associate Professor

keywords: social rights, regional and local government, associative and cooperative forms od public administration

Patrizia Tullini

Full Professor

keywords: Health and Safety at the Workplace, ICT and Labour market, digital workers, Big Data and privacy, Web Discrimination,

Francesco Tura

Assistant professor

keywords: E-government, Authentication, Electronic documents

Matteo Turrin

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Chiara Valentini

Associate Professor

keywords: legal theory, legal reasoning, constitutionalism, rights
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Elena Valentini

Associate Professor

keywords: Interactions pre-trial detention and main trial, Pre-trial detention time limits, the right to a public hearing,
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Francesco Vella

Full Professor

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Barbara Verri

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: comparative law, law and language, legal translation, environmental comparative law, environmental sustainability, Hong
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Annalisa Verza

Associate Professor

keywords: liberalism, feminism, pluralism, human rights
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Daniele Vicoli

Associate Professor

keywords: the admissibility of evidence, the rights of the detained person, the reform of the prison system, the illegal penalty,

Silvia Vida

Associate Professor

keywords: Essentialism, Orientalism, Human nature, Human Rights, Foundationalism, Governmentality, Behavioural regulation, Soft
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Ester Villa

Associate Professor

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Susanna Villani

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: EU Common Commercial Policy, EU external action, Protection of fundamental rights, Disaster law, International