Scientific publications

The University of Bologna is a member of the IRIS (Institutional Research Information System) platform. Thanks to its various modules, IRIS is able to collect research-related data from scientific production, projects, international partnerships and the assessment of research results.

Based on the Cineca standard, IRIS is compatible with current ministerial requirements and dialogues with the Cineca teaching site where its publications are automatically published, thus creating a single point of entry and offering a fundamental tool for analysis, monitoring, guidance and evaluation of the research cycle.

  • Damascelli, Domenico, Profili internazionalprivatistici delle società, in: Il notaio tra regole nazionali ed europee, MILANO, Giuffrè, 2003, pp. 33 - 76 (atti di: XL Congresso nazionale del Notariato, Bari, 26-29 ottobre 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]