Administrative law

Administrative law

Branch of public law whose rules govern the organisation of the public administration, the pursuit of public interests and the relations between the various manifestations of public power and citizens.

The attention of administrative law has progressively shifted from the moment of the measure, as a productive act of the legal effect, to the moment of the proceedings, as the place where the external decisions of the measure are effectively assessed and taken. A number of problematic issues are identified, the study of which – once the overall picture has been reassembled – will then allow grasping the evolutionary trends, also with regard to the study of other widely known topics (and therefore not the specific object of this research), and in particular to verify whether and, if so, to what extent it is possible to speak also from this point of view of a process of convergence of the European orders, or even of the transition of the same problem of the administrative procedure into a framework of overall regulation by the European Union. Doctrine is carefully considered alongside living law since it is not limited to registering or reconstructing the rule of law, but also indicates problems, trends and proposals. In short, the overall direction of the legal system. The draft laws in the process of being approved are also used for the same purpose.


Nicola Aicardi

Full Professor

keywords: energy, public services, cultural heritage, public contracts, health, environment
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Pier Francesco Bresciani

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: punitive power, enforcing of morals by law, public order and security, new technologies and law, protection of
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Brunella Brunelli

Assistant professor

Massimo Calcagnile

Full Professor

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Marco Dugato

Full Professor

keywords: public private partnership, environmental law, urban and territorial government, public utilities, banking regulation
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Federico Messuti

PhD Student

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Andrea Morrone

Full Professor

keywords: European process, Government, foundamental rights, economy and costitution, sources of law, administrative law
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Giovanni Mulazzani

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: public procurement, local public services, public corporations, horizontal subsidiarity, anticorruption, transparency
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Elena Orrù

Associate Professor

keywords: Leisure ships, Air Transport, Public Service Contract, Public Service Obligations, Transport of a local or regional
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Luca Passarini

PhD Student

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Claudia Tubertini

Associate Professor

keywords: social rights, regional and local government, associative and cooperative forms od public administration
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Leonardo Zanetti

Assistant professor

keywords: Administrative Law, Local Authorities Law, Participatory democracy
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Stefano Zunarelli

Full Professor