Universitas for Justice. Program for the quality of the justice system and for the effectiveness of due process.


UNI 4 Justice is a complex project of cooperation between the scientific world and the justice system of the Ancona, Bologna, Trento, Venice and Trieste appeal court districts, inspired by the principles of European planning, which promotes organisational, technological and professional change in judicial offices on the basis of objective and verifiable knowledge of work practices, methods of using resources and monitoring tools.

The UNI 4 Justice project

  • builds office organisation models for the trial tested in situ;
  • works out with judicial, administrative and technical staff how to improve work routines and the handling of proceedings;
  • catalyses organisational and functional innovation processes generated by the integration of the most innovative tools developed by socio-legal research, legal informatics, and management in the field of intelligence - human and artificial - and regulatory quality - including legal design;
  • intends to leave a strong legacy: the ability to build competencies that meet needs and the ability to enhance the assigned resources - human, technological and infrastructural - in a perspective of sustainability, resilience, efficiency.

Degree of innovation

The project is highly innovative from several points of view in a matrix that intersects organisational, management, technological and more strictly legal analysis components.


From an organisational point of view, UNI 4 JUSTICE has a unique method in terms of language and evaluation grids, and is flexible (context-oriented) in its implementation within the axis ofIt is flexible (context-oriented) in terms of its implementation within the axis of connection between judicial bodies and between district offices and the centre of the justice system. It does so by making use of all the research experience applied to the sector and by exploiting: the dataware house of the DG statstat dataware house, the analysis methodologies provided for by the STO and the sector regulations - including the circulars on tables - together with the tool called the DOG method launched at ministerial level for data-based governance and good resource management. An organisational innovativeness that is also expressed in the combination of flow mapping methods with decision-making trend mapping methods for timing, predictability trends of timing, space and professional profiles employed.


Statistics and work management methodologies will be developed to keep the different work phases under control.


The use of international and national XML standards such as Akoma Ntoso makes it possible to overcome the heterogeneity of different computer applications created at different times. The use of this format enhances the use ofof AI techniques (e.g. Machine Learning) as well as data analytics. The aim is thus to achieve reuse, repeatability of good practices, create regularity of application, make obstacles explicit and facilitate the retrieval of processed legal information in favour of more efficient and faster decision-making processes.


Classification processes need effective legal models that create solid correlations, without creating discrimination, distortions or bias. Dematerialisation must then be brought to the maximum level allowed by civil and criminal procedures to facilitate the exchange of digital documents between the various internal steps and in dialogue with other offices (e.g., Municipality, Prosecutor's Office).

General and operational objectives

  • Promote organisational best practices Process office

Designing modular and flexible process office models.
To disseminate trial office models responding to the (dynamic) needs of judicial offices.

  • Strengthen the monitoring and evaluation capacity of the justice system

Construct a monitoring strategy and make it available to judicial offices.

  • Strengthen the synergy between the training of professionals and the dynamics of the needs of the administration of justice and the courts.

Mapping training and professionalism needs (and their evolutionary trajectories).
To build a synergic strategy for training and accompanying the new human resources of the justice system.

  • To affirm an integrated vision of intelligence for due process that contributes to Italian leadership in Europe.

Building tools for the digital transformation of justice, legal design, AI and jurisprudential screening and diagnostics (data analytics) capable of enhancing the cognitive value of the PCT and PPT.
To build tools for monitoring the progress of decisions in the justice system - both for judicial decisions and for decisions concerning the allocation of resources.

Project partners involved

  1. Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Lead Partner)
  2. University of Ferrara
  3. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
  4. University of Parma
  5. University of Verona
  6. Ca' Foscari University Venice
  7. University of Padua
  8. University of Trento
  9. Polytechnic University of Marche
  10. University of Macerata
  11. University of Camerino
  12. University of Urbino Carlo Bo
  13. University of Udine
  14. University of Trieste
  15. Court of Appeal of Bologna
  16. Court of Appeal of Ancona
  17. Court of Appeal of Trento
  18. Court of Appeal of Trieste
  19. Court of Appeal of Venice