Technical and administrative services
General technical, IT, support, management and administrative services: divisions, contacts and tasks.

General technical, IT, laboratory, support and administrative services: divisions, contact persons and tasks.
The administrative manager coordinates the administrative services and offices of the Department.
It technically prepares the budget and final balance sheet, as well as the financial situation.
It supports the Bodies according to the provisions of the regulations in force on the subject of accounting and the organisation of services and assumes the role of secretary in the Council and in the Department committee. It collaborates with the Head of Department on all activities to ensure the facilities operates in the best possible way.
Administrative and management services
The administrative and management services offer information, forms and instructions on how to proceed for the corresponding needs.
Technical and IT services
The Technical-Information Services are mainly responsible for the management and maintenance of the technical-informatics equipment of the Department.
DSG meeting and seminar room booking service
The meeting room is located in the headquarters of the department of Via Zamboni 27/29 in Bologna. The seminar room is located in the Bologna satellite branch of Viale Filopanti 9 in Bologna.
Accreditation services
The service provides institutional credentials to employees and guests of the Department for temporary access to some of the IT resources of the University of Bologna.
Patronage services
Patronage is granted to individual initiatives and has a fixed duration. It does not automatically extend to other similar or related initiatives.
Online services for staff and students
Contacts of the Administrative Manager
Cecilia Bellettato
Area dei Funzionari - Settore amministrativo - gestionale
DSG - Servizi Amministrativi
Via Zamboni 27/29
Bologna (BO)
Tel: +39 051 20 9 9660