Criminal law

Criminal law

To govern the provision of criminal sanctions against anyone who commits active or passive conduct that the legal system recognizes as a crime.

The topics of research in criminal law are: the reform of the Criminal Code and the harmonisation of European criminal legislation, with a view to unifying and strengthening the instruments of international cooperation; forms of transnational crime of an associative, terrorist and electronic nature; the criminal protection of financial markets; corporate crimes; the harmonisation of European legislation on crimes against the administration of justice; the analysis of issues relating to complicity; the regulation of non-EU immigration and crimes related to illegal immigration; the regulation of the movement of citizens belonging to the European Union.


keywords: international humanitarian law, international criminal law, State responsibility law, international human rights law,
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Davide Bertaccini

Associate Professor

keywords: Policing and Private Security, Crime Prevention and Urban Safety, Criminal Justice and Prison System Law, Comparative
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Michele Caianiello

Full Professor

keywords: Digital evidence, Defence Rights, European Criminal Justice, Comparative and International Criminal Procedure

Chiara Chisari

Research fellow

keywords: transitional justice, conflict transformation and peace processes, prison, prison officers, urban security
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Francesca Curi

Associate Professor

keywords: misure di prevenzione

Alessio Di Nino

PhD Student

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Emanuela Fronza

Associate Professor

keywords: Criminal Law, Criminal Policy; Internazionalization; Europeanization; International Crimes; Ecocide; Transitional
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Damigela Hoxha

Associate Professor

keywords: Gender history, History of of Sexualities, History of criminal law, History of family law, History of african law,
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Paolo Paparone

PhD Student

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Stefania Pellegrini

Full Professor

keywords: conflict, mafia and antimafia, litigation, Professional Ethic, ADR