Centre for Studies in Labour Law "Giorgio Ghezzi and Federico Mancini"

The Centre for Studies in Labour Law "Giorgio Ghezzi e Federico Mancini" aims to facilitate the scientific investigation of labour law issues, through the promotion and coordination of research on labour and industrial relations, the support to scientific activities undertaken by the University's professors and researchers, the strengthening of existing relations with foreign research structures and the establishment of new partnerships, in order to promote a fruitful dialogue and to create a network for participation in projects promoted by international institutions and the European Union.

In the current Italian and European context, the scientific investigation of labour law issues represents a fundamental objective of research in the field of social sciences. Suffice it to mention, for example, the importance of the labour market reforms adopted, from 2012 onwards, in one of the most complex and delicate domestic and international socio-economic frameworks of recent decades, but also the inter-confederal agreements concluded between 2011 and 2016, with which the social partners have redefined the rules of operation of the industrial relations system.

It seems appropriate to coordinate and offer maximum support, also from the point of view of dissemination, to the scientific activities of teachers and researchers in the field, as well as all related activities, in an interdisciplinary key, carried out by scholars of the University. The Centre for Studies in Labour Law "Giorgio Ghezzi e Federico Mancini" thus aims to facilitate the scientific investigation of labour law issues, through the promotion and coordination of research on labour and industrial relations, support for the scientific activities undertaken by the University's professors and researchers, the strengthening of existing relations with foreign research structures and the establishment of new partnerships, in order to promote a fruitful dialogue and to create a network for participation in projects promoted by international institutions and the European Union.

In particular, the Centre for Studies in the field of labour law, trade union law and social security law aims to design and implement scientific research, organise seminars and conferences to disseminate and deepen the research carried out, encourage collaboration between the University's scholars in this field, promote scientific publications and the creation of series of studies, establish collaborative relationships with other public or private research organizations, promote the dissemination of knowledge through the creation of a website, allow more effective participation in national and international calls for research and encourage exchanges with foreign scholars. The Centre of Studies, qualified and quantitatively substantial, represents a heritage of scientific research organization, whose exploitation contributes to maintain and increase the reputation of the University of Bologna in this field of research.

The Study Centre is located at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna.

Scientific coordinator

Carlo Zoli

Full Professor


Headquarters of the Study Centre

at the Department of Legal Studies

Centre for Studies in Labour Law "Giorgio Ghezzi and Federico Mancini"

Via Zamboni, 27/29, 40126 Bologna (BO)