Department series

  • Department series "Un'anima per il diritto: andare più in alto"

    Open access series directed by Geraldina Boni. Peculiar characteristics of this initiative: the clear Bolognese matrix, capable of combining naturally with a strong international projection, and the manifest vocation for interdisciplinarity. The series aims to respond in the most appropriate way to the challenges that are emerging in the contemporary scientific landscape. The open access consultation method ensures the widest and most rapid circulation of the results of studies and research in volumes that can be downloaded free of charge and are easily used.

  • Annali di Diritto Costituzionale

    The series, directed by Augusto Barbera and Andrea Morrone, was launched with the ambition of resuming a typical tradition of legal studies, collecting both the scientific production of the researchers and the reports of the activities carried out annually in the sector. A flexible series, capable of integrating monographic essays, collections of essays and research produced during seminars, conferences and symposia on the topic of constitutional law, notes and chronicles of constitutional importance.
    Publisher: Bononia University Press
  • AcTa

    Acts of the University of Bologna in the legal field.
    Publisher: Bononia University Press
  • Centro Internazionale di Ricerche sul Diritto Europeo dell’Università di Bologna (CIRDE)

    Publisher: Editoriale Scientifica
  • Chinese Law in Action

    The series includes comparative studies – in the diachronic and synchronic sense – on Chinese law. The central objective is to study from an interdisciplinary perspective the evolution of the legal process of a law that is at the centre of the dynamics of legal globalisation and that is revealing in its historical, cultural, linguistic, and technical-legal complexity.
    Publisher: Bononia University Press
  • Diritto Cultura e Società

    History and problems of criminal justice. Series directed by Marco Cavina and Stefano Canestrari.
    Publisher: Bononia University Press
  • Franco Bricola - Atti e Convegni

    The areas dealt with are Criminal Law and Criminal Law and Procedure. It contains the proceedings and conferences organised by the Franco Bricola Association.
    Publisher: Bononia University Press
  • IUS

    The manuals used for the law courses of the University of Bologna.
    Publisher: Bononia University Press
  • Lessico Giuslavoristico

    Lessico Giuslavoristico seeks out and proposes words that illustrate what’s new in labour, in an area where we do not have the basis to understand the scattered elements and new combinations, explaining them in open books that can be used as a reference to enrich the empirical and conceptual knowledge base necessary to approach the enigma of labour and its efficient regulation.
    Publisher: Bononia University Press
  • Quaderni di Diritto delle Attività Motorie e Sportive

    Series of in-depth studies on Sports Law directed by Carlo Bottari, in partnership with the Faculty of Motor Sciences of the University of Bologna.
    Publisher: Bononia University Press
  • Ricerche di Diritto comparato

    The series aims to disseminate comparative research in the fields of private, public, administrative, criminal and ecclesiastical law, in an intense dialogue with different yet contiguous disciplines such as political science, criminology, anthropology, legal linguistics. Particular attention is paid to the methodological profiles, in accordance with the manifesto of the Revista general de Derecho Publico Comparado of Madrid, which it is connected to. Series directed by Stefano Canestrari, Giovanni Cimbalo, Lucio Pegoraro, Marina Timoteo and Luciano Vandelli.
    Publisher: Bononia University Press
  • Ricerche di Diritto comparato. Diritto ecclesiastico e Diritti umani

    Series directed by Giovanni Cimbalo.
    Publisher: Bononia University Press
  • Ricerche di Diritto Pubblico Comparato

    Series directed by Lucio Pegoraro.
    Publisher: Bononia University Press
  • Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna

    With more than 300 titles published since 1913, the "Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna"Legal Seminar of the University of Bologna is the reference series for the publication of monographs, collections and conference proceedings of professors, researchers and assignees of the Department of Legal Sciences. From 2020 the volumes are available in Open access mode..
    Publisher: Bononia University Press
  • Terminus - Manuali

    It was decided to bring together under the aegis of "Terminus" an editorial activity of the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna, which is also open to accepting contributions from scholars from other universities. Here there is a section dedicated to the preparation of suitable tools for effective teaching, in the belief that teaching and research are two inseparable sides of the same coin, as the birth and history of the Alma Mater testify. Series directed by Andrea Zanotti.
    Publisher: Bononia University Press.
  • Terminus - Monografie

    There was a time when the sense of boundaries was so acute that men thought they were guarded by the gods. The Romans called the god of borders Terminus: transposing man's need to establish a limit into the sky, and, at the same time, the irrepressible drive to overcome it. For this reason, under the aegis of "Terminus" there is part of the editorial activity of the Department of Legal Studies. It contemplates a series of monographic studies which summarizes the effort of thought and doctrinal elaboration. Series directed by Andrea Zanotti.
    Publisher: Bononia University Press.
  • Un’anima per il diritto: andare più in alto

    Open access series directed by  Geraldina Boni.
    Peculiar characteristics of this initiative: the clear Bolognese matrix, capable of combining naturally with a strong international projection, and the manifest vocation for interdisciplinarity. The series aims to respond in the most appropriate way to the challenges that are emerging in the contemporary scientific landscape. The open access consultation method ensures the widest and most rapid circulation of the results of studies and research in volumes that can be downloaded free of charge and are easily used.
    Publisher: Stem Mucchi Editore

Editorial series by AMS-ACTA related to the Department of Legal Studies

ISLL Papers. The Online Collection of the Italian Society for Law and Literature

Latest publications. See the entire series

[The underbelly of cities. Legislative experiments, urban planning and literary suggestions in the Bourgeois Century]. In 1884, the city of Naples...


[The care of urban commons goods at the intersection of city and law. Problems and perspectives of shared administration in the case of Vico...


[Urban Creativity and public space: the case of Leoncavallo] According to the formulation developed by INWARD National Observatory on Urban...


[The Legal Construction of Cities at the Origins of the National Expropriation Framework: a Law and Humanities Perspective]. Expropriation for...


Master in Diritto Sanitario

Latest publications. See the entire series

Gola, Marcella; Acri, Pietro; Donati, Daniele; Tubertini, Claudia

Diritto e amministrazione della sanità - Approfondimenti a.a. 2020-2021.

Il presente volume raccoglie i risultati dei progetti di ricerca elaborati dagli allievi del Master Universitario di I Livello in Diritto e...


Bottari, Carlo; De Angelis, Paolo

Le sperimentazioni cliniche

Il progresso della medicina è fondato sulla ricerca scientifica quale elemento indispensabile per la garanzia del diritto fondamentale alla tutela...


Il presente Progetto di ricerca collettivo si propone di ricostruire il complesso quadro della responsabilità medica successivamente all’introduzione...


La ricerca analizza il tema della mobilità sanitaria nazionale ed internazionale sotto diversi profili. Oggetto di esame sono, in particolare: i...
