Comparative public law

Comparative public law

The study of historical and juridical events of modern and contemporary constitutionalism and the positive constitutional systems that have arisen in this field.

The goal of the research is to combine the treatment of the most classic issues (method of comparison, forms of government, constitutional justice) with the study of some problematic matters that are increasingly drawing the attention of jurists in the current globalised and pluralised context (the principle of secularism, abortion and wrongful life).


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Francesco Biagi

Associate Professor

keywords: Transition processes, Constitution building, Forms of government, Constitutional justice, Hybrid and illiberal regimes,
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Chiara Bologna

Associate Professor

keywords: right to health, dissolution of political parties, emergency and constitution, freedom of association, federalism,
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Elena Ferioli

Associate Professor

keywords: Constitution-Making Processes, Constitutional Amending Processes, Constitutional Justice and Constitutional
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Damigela Hoxha

Associate Professor

keywords: Gender history, History of of Sexualities, History of criminal law, History of family law, History of african law,
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Andrea Morrone

Full Professor

keywords: European process, Government, foundamental rights, economy and costitution, sources of law, administrative law
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Elena Orrù

Associate Professor

keywords: Leisure ships, Air Transport, Public Service Contract, Public Service Obligations, Transport of a local or regional
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Leonardo Pierdominici

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Stefano Zunarelli

Full Professor