Constitutional law

Constitutional law

To focus on the evolution and organisation of the State and the relations between public authorities and the citizen.

The main lines of research concern the constitutional organisation of the State, with specific reference to the formation, composition, competences and interactions of constitutional bodies, as well as the fundamental principles governing the system of sources of law, fundamental rights and constitutional justice, also in the context of the process of European integration.


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Davide Audrito

PhD Student

keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Law, Legal Ontologies, Legal Prediction, E-Governance, E-Justice
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Francesco Biagi

Associate Professor

keywords: Transition processes, Constitution building, Forms of government, Constitutional justice, Hybrid and illiberal regimes,
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Chiara Bologna

Associate Professor

keywords: right to health, dissolution of political parties, emergency and constitution, freedom of association, federalism,
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Pier Francesco Bresciani

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: punitive power, enforcing of morals by law, public order and security, new technologies and law, protection of
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Caterina Domenicali

Associate Professor

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Caterina Drigo

Associate Professor

keywords: human rights, Contemporary foreign constitutions, constitutional adjudication, Democracy consolidation, Constitutional
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Andrea Morrone

Full Professor

keywords: European process, Government, foundamental rights, economy and costitution, sources of law, administrative law
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Elena Orrù

Associate Professor

keywords: Leisure ships, Air Transport, Public Service Contract, Public Service Obligations, Transport of a local or regional
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Micol Pignataro

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

Francesca Polacchini

Associate Professor

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Beatrice Sboro

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Corte di cassazione, Nomofilachia and legal certainty, Case law, Constitutional Courts and european integration, Double
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Diletta Tega

Full Professor

keywords: Multilevel Protection of Fundamental Rights, Equality principle, Constitutional Justice, Freedom of religion,