Philosophy of law

Philosophy of law

A discipline that covers both philosophy and law, and, depending on the different authors who deal with it, takes a look at composite research.

With regard to the philosophy of contemporary law, a number of challenges have been outlined that mainly concern the impact of new technologies (both information and biomedical) in the world of law and rights. With respect to the former, the research on the relationship between law and morals is particularly relevant, while for the latter the extension of the category of subjects of law (future generations, environment, animals) and the emergence of new rights (dying with dignity, genetic integrity, sustainability) are also of interest.


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Martina Baltuzzi

PhD Student

keywords: Deep Learning, Legal Tech, Data Governance, Large Language Models, AI Compliance
keywords: Modal deontica, Non-monotonic logics, Computational and mathematiacl logic, Model theory, Legal argumentation,
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Federico Galli

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: AI and Law, Ethics and law of AI, Regulation theory and new technologies, Content moderation and disinformation,
keywords: human-machine interaction, AI in sanità, liability, sorveglianza umana, spiegabilità
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Damigela Hoxha

Associate Professor

keywords: Gender history, History of of Sexualities, History of criminal law, History of family law, History of african law,

Isadora Neroni Rezende

Research fellow

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Monica Palmirani

Full Professor

keywords: AI&Law, legal drafting rules, ontology, legal XML, e-Parliament, legal reasoning, legislative informatic, natural
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Stefania Pellegrini

Full Professor

keywords: conflict, mafia and antimafia, litigation, Professional Ethic, ADR
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Corrado Roversi

Full Professor

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Marco Sanchi

PhD Student

keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Driving Systems, Legal Informatics, Philosophy of Law, IT Law, Transport Law, AI
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Salvatore Sapienza

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Legal Informatics, AI Ethics, Data ethics, Privacy & Data Protection
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Giovanni Tricco

PhD Student

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Chiara Valentini

Associate Professor

keywords: legal theory, legal reasoning, constitutionalism, rights
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Annalisa Verza

Associate Professor

keywords: liberalism, feminism, pluralism, human rights

Silvia Vida

Associate Professor

keywords: Essentialism, Orientalism, Human nature, Human Rights, Foundationalism, Governmentality, Behavioural regulation, Soft

Luigi Zunarelli

PhD Student