PRIN2017 - International legal obligations related to Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery from CBRN events and status of their implementation in Italy

The research project investigates the obligations under International and European Union (EU) Law related to protection from CBRN risks (Chemical, Biological, Radio-Nuclear) broadly defined, i.e. covering intentional attacks, industrial accidents and epidemic outbreaks. It first aims at clarifying the definition of what constitutes a CBRN emergency and at enhancing the understanding of the interplay between different risks, the relevant actors involved and the sophisticated capabilities and equipment required. Secondly, it maps relevant obligations related to the different phases of the CBRN emergency management cycle (prevention, preparedness, response and recovery) as emerging from applicable areas of International and EU Law. Thirdly, it carries out a desk-based and empirical research to explore to what extent these obligations are actually implemented in Italy, in order to ascertain whether there are any major gaps that have to be addressed. Finally, based on the outcomes of previous stages, it provides recommendations and guidelines covering all phases of the CBRN event and aimed at addressing the gaps in the applicable International, EU and Italian legal and policy frameworks.

Associated Investigator

Federico Casolari

Full Professor