Concluded projects
This section lists the national and European research projects carried out by the department that have come to an end. In some cases, all the project outputs are kept.

ALMAIDEA2017 - Cultural diversity as care, care for cultural diversity
ALMAIDEA2017 - Design and development of a cloud-based database for necroscopic activity in the medical-legal area
ALMAIDEA2017 - Evolution of health science and compliance with European and national law: experimentation, new technologies and pharmaceutical innovation
ALMAIDEA2017 - Experimental theory of law: embodied cognition and perception of the juridical
ALMAIDEA2017 - For a new social food contract: the governance of food policies between science, economics and fundamental rights
ALMAIDEA2017 - International investigations and the circulation of evidence in tax and criminal matters
ALMAIDEA2017 - Patrimonial destination and trust lawsuit: an interdisciplinary approach for a single reconstructive perspective
ALMAIDEA2017 - The e-commerce discipline in the context of the European Union and the People's Republic of China: a comparative analysis
ALMAIDEA2017 - The governance of numbers: economic and financial indicators and budgetary decision in the constitutional State
Il Fondo di finanziamento per le attività base di ricerca (FFABR) è stato istituito con la Legge 232/2016 e destinato a contribuire alla ricerca di base di ricercatori e professori di seconda fascia in servizio a tempo pieno presso le Università statali. Secondo i vincoli normativi, il numero di coloro che usufruiscono del finanziamento è fissato in funzione del numero di domande di finanziamento pervenute.
UNIRIMINI - The tourist tax. Evolution and clarification of the reference regulatory framework
ISA TOPIC 2019 - The network and the "trilogy" of identity
The project is dedicated to the problem of the continuous definition and redefinition of the different identities that characterize people, society and knowledge. The project is funded by the Institute for Advanced Studies, within the ISA TOPIC 2019 "Identity: one, none, one hundred thousand". ISA TOPIC funding promotes and finances innovative research projects with an interdisciplinary character, as well as the dissemination of results. This initiative is aimed at research groups of the Alma Mater Studiorum.
Building On ECLI
CItizens BEyond LISbon
Criminal and Administrative Investigations in the field of VAT and Customs Duties
Central European Crowd-funding Support
European COntrol System Security Incident Analysis Network
FIRB2012 - International Disaster Law Project
Legal Ambiguities withstanding Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership
Memory Laws in European and Comparative Perspectives
MIning and REasoning with Legal texts
Research Master in European and International Criminology
PRIN2015 - Subject of law and vulnerability: institutional models and legal concepts in transformation
PRIN2017 - Dis/Connection: Labor and Rights in the Internet Revolution
PRIN2017 - Administrative Reforms: Policies, Legal Issues and Results
PRIN2017 - International legal obligations related to Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery from CBRN events and status of their implementation in Italy
PRIN2017 - Italian Scholars in the face of the Race Laws (1938-1945): Ancient Historians and Jurists
PRIN2017 - LAILA: Legal Analytics for Italian Law
PRIN2017 - Rights protection and quality of services from the perspective of an integrated territorial development, sound administration, multilevel governance and territorial cooperation for a new strategy for resource allocation and rationalisation of public expenditure
PRIN2017 - The One Belt One Road (OBOR) Initiative: legal issues and effects on the financing and development of maritime and multimodal infrastructures by Chinese investors in Italy
PRIN2017 - Where is Europe going? Paths and prospectives of the European federalizing process
PRIN2017 - WORKING POOR N.E.E.D.S.: NEw Equity, Decent work and Skills