Roman and ancient law

Roman and ancient law

To embrace all the norms that have constituted the Roman legal system for about 13 centuries, but also of other civilisations and other eras.

The scope of the research is to promote research concerning Roman law and that of other ancient peoples in the historical context of ancient societies. Relevant fields of investigation and reflection, as well as an essential reflection on the reasoning underlying Roman law and other civilisations, will be case law, the analysis and resolution of controversial cases (Roman law as case law), the construction of theoretical schemes and the definition of ideals that move the jurists and inspire their choices.


Anna Bellodi Ansaloni

Associate Professor

keywords: Roman private trial, Roman criminal trial, Roman inheritance law, Trial of Jesus, Roman private law, Roman criminal
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Damigela Hoxha

Associate Professor

keywords: Gender history, History of of Sexualities, History of criminal law, History of family law, History of african law,
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Gianni Santucci

Full Professor