Angelo Piero Sereni's lecture - First edition "The indispensable third-party principle" (Dr. Martins Paparinskis)

A memory of Angelo Piero Sereni by Paolo Mengozzi and Francesco Salerno.

  • Data: 11 aprile 2019 dalle 14:30 alle 18:00

  • Luogo: Sala Rossa, via Marsala 26, Bologna

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero


Dr. Martins Paparinskis

A memory of Angelo Piero Sereni by
Paolo Mengozzi, Francesco Salerno

With the participation of
Min. Plen. Andrea Tiriticco, Pasquale De Sena

Discussion chaired by
Enrico Milano

Serena Forlati

Elisa Baroncini, Luigi Crema, Filippo Fontanelli, Tom Sparks, Raymundo Tullio Treves


  • 14.30: Opening
    Attila Tanzi, University of Bologna; Alessandra Zanobetti, University of Bologna
  • 14.40: Greetings from the Head of Department
    Michele Caianiello, University of Bologna
  • 14.50: A short note on the life and work of Angelo Piero Sereni
    Guglielmo Roversi Monaco, University of Bologna
  • 15.00: A memory of Angelo Piero Sereni
    Paolo Mengozzi, former Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union
  • 15.20: Angelo Piero Sereni in Ferrara
    Francesco Salerno, University of Ferrara
  • 15.40: The XX Century Italian School of International Law
    Pasquale De Sena, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
  • 16.00: The Italian School of International Law and the Service for Legal Affairs, Diplomatic Disputes and International Agreements
    Min. Plen. Andrea Tiriticco, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • 16.10: A.P. Sereni’s Lecture: The Indispensable Third-Party Principle
    Martins Paparinskis, University College London
  • 17.00: Discussion
    Chaired by: Enrico Milano, Legal Adviser at the Italian Permanent Mission to the United Nations – University of Verona.
    Discussant: Serena Forlati, University of Ferrara.
    Panellists: Elisa Baroncini, University of Bologna; Luigi Crema, University of Milan; Filippo Fontanelli, University of Edinburgh; Tom Sparks, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law & International Law; Raymundo Tullio Treves, International Max Planck Research School on Successful Dispute Resolution in International Law.
  • 18.00: Concluding remarks
    Enrico Milano, Legal Adviser at the Italian Permanent Mission to the United Nations – University of Verona.