Final WHC@50 Seminar: An ICOMOS expert’s view on theory and practice associated with the World Heritage Convention

The seminar will take the form of an interview between the host, Prof Demarsin (KU Leuven), and his esteemed colleague and expert at Icomos, Prof dr. Anne Mie Draye.

  • Data: 27 febbraio 2023 dalle 12:30 alle 13:45

  • Luogo: ONLINE via the TEAMS platform

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili

In this last seminar of the WHC@50-series, the organizing committee seeks to provide a unique insight into the practice associated with the World Heritage Convention. The seminar will take the form of an interview between the host, Prof Demarsin (KU Leuven) and his esteemed colleague and expert at Icomos, Prof dr. Anne Mie Draye. Throughout this seminar, the organizers specifically aim to test theory to practice and to critically evaluate the WHC system.