Seminario di UNA Europa "Safeguarding Cultural Heritage (TRT4)"

Organization: Loreto Corredoira and Fernando Ramos (Universidad Complutense, Madrid)

  • Data: 25 maggio 2022 dalle 15:00 alle 18:45

  • Luogo: ONLINE tramite piattaforma GOOGLE MEET

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili


Welcome / Introductory Words

by the UCM coordinators Loreto Corredoira and Fernando Ramos, as well as the TRT4 general coordinators (Maria Giovanna Belcastro, U Bolonia; Koen van Halen, Ku Leuven and Juan Martin, U Complutense).

Panel 1. Art and cultural heritage; policies, law and practice

Chair: Loreto Corredoira, Universidad Complutense, Madrid

  • Francesco Cunsolo, PhD Student at Università di Bologna
    From property to heritage: the evolution of international cultural heritage law
  • Alessandra Quarta, PhD Student at Università di Bologna
    The EU Approach to Cultural Heritage: from Tradition to Innovation. The Development of the European Heritage Label.
  • Nicoletta Sarti, Università di Bologna
    From fraud to counterfeiting author. The Doctrinal and the Jurisprudential Cases
  • Damigela Hoxha, Università di Bologna
    The protection of Cultural Heritage in the history of Italian law
  • Marta Kania, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
    Indigenous peoples’ heritage and democratisation processes in Latin America
  • Rollex Ruth Apondi Ombajo, PhD Student at University of Paris 1 - Pantheon Sorbonne and KU.
    Safeguarding the indigenous monument of Kit Miyaki Cultural Rock and Sustainable Development in Lake Victoria basin of Kenya: the prospects of community inclusion

16.45-17:00 Break

Panel 2. Dealing with the past: contemporary challenges regarding the preservation of cultural heritage and its dissemination

Chair: Fernando Ramos, Universidad Complutense, Madrid

  • Alessandro Paolo Lena, PhD Student at Università di Bologna
    Museology of the Sacred. Friars Minor Conventual’s consecrated churches in Italy (19th-20th centuries)
  • Leila Signorelli, Università di Bologna; Alessia Zampini, Università di Bologna
    Dissonant Heritage and War. Conservation and Communication of a difficult legacy
  • Esther Moñivas, Universidad Complutense, Madrid
    Contemporary artistic practices: documenting and preserving the fluid
  • Pilar Vega Rodríguez, Universidad Complutense, Madrid; Belén Mainer Blanco, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid
    Dynamization of literary heritage: the platform Descubreleyendas and cultural and educational uses

18:15-45. Final discussion, end of the seminar