The Russia / Ukraine conflict is provoking an unprecedented wave of economic responses against Moscow, followed by countersanctions adopted by Moscow itself. The unparalleled scale, type and variety of measures -ranging from, inter alia, the withdrawal of the MFN status of Russia at the WTO to the exclusion of key Russian banks from the SWIFT system, the asset freezing of Russian people and entities and the bans on strategic goods and raw materials, together with the Russia threat to nationalise resources of companies of “unfriendly” countries- demand a comprehensive analysis of such measures under International Law, and, in particular, International Economic Law. The proposed Re-Globe Seminar, organized with the collaboration of the UNIBO Master in Legal Studies LEGS, aims to start filling this pressing need, also considering the effects produced by the economic sanctions, which, because of trade interdependence, are of course susceptible of working both ways.
- Professor Frank Altemöller, Institute of Customs and International Trade Law, University of Münster
- Professor Olena Nihreieva, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine (currently Visiting Professor in International Law of the Dipartimento di science giuridiche of the University of Bologna)
- Professor Elisa Baroncini, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Cooordinator of the Re-Globe Jean Monnet Module)
The seminars will be held in blended form, i.e. in presence and through Microsoft Teams.
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